How much weight can a toilet handle or hold? SURPRISING Answer!

Toilets are designed to handle a certain amount of weight without the risk of breaking. However, this isn’t an unlimited amount of weight. A toilet will only be able to support the weight of users if it’s properly installed as well. Let’s discuss this in more detail. 

Manufacturers test their toilets (see video below) to make sure that they can handle the weight that they promise. This is done by repeatedly placing pressure on the toilet until it breaks. The manufacturer can gather data from this to make the toilet stronger.

The way the toilet is installed also has an impact. Your plumber can use stronger bolts to make sure that everything stays in place. It is also possible to strengthen the wall or floor if needed.

It may also not be able to support the weight of users if it has been previously modified or is no longer in good condition.  Toilets can only hold a limited amount of weight.

What Does Breaking Weight Mean for a toilet? How much it can hold

When discussing the amount of weight a toilet can handle, the term “breaking weight” is used to refer to the amount of weight a toilet can handle before it begins to flush improperly. When a toilet breaks weight, it’s not just a single flush that doesn’t work. Rather, it indicates that the toilet is becoming unusable due to the amount of weight it’s being forced to hold.  

A wall-mounted toilet can typically handle about 500 pounds but this depends on the manufacturer and how it has been installed. A floor-mounted toilet can handle more weight.

A hanging toilet. Image by PlumbingInstantFix. All rights reserved.

Manufacturers test their toilets to make sure that they are strong enough. In the manual of the toilet, you can find how much weight each component can handle.

If you’re planning on installing a toilet that is ADA-compliant, then you’ll want to double-check the capacity rating. ADA-compliant toilets have different weight capacities than standard toilets. You should also check your local plumbing code (check CA here) to make sure that everything is compliant. Your plumber can help you with this.

Can obese or fat people break toilets?

Yes,  toilets can only hold so much weight. When determining the capacity of a toilet, manufacturers consider the weight of the average user. You might have to use sturdier parts for heavier people.

 Most toilets are made out of ceramics, which is quite strong. For this reason, the toilet itself shouldn’t break. There are some rubber and plastic parts though that are not that strong. The toilet seat can also break as these are often made out of cheaper plastics. You can replace this seat with a wooden version or one that is bigger.

There are some things that you can do to strengthen a toilet. Your plumber can make sure that the bolts are strong enough. The floor should also be sturdy. For example, wooden floors can bulge and this can damage parts of the toilet base. This is an essential part of the toilet and damage there can cause nasty leaks. 

Replacing the wax ring in the toilet base every 10 years can avoid a lot of problems. The toilet shouldn’t wiggle and be sturdy.

Toilets have different sizes. For bigger people, it can be a great idea to pick a bigger toilet bowl as this spreads the weight out over a bigger area. Your plumber can replace a standard toilet with an elongated version without too many problems.

Types of toilet bowls. Made with Canva by PlumbingInstantFix. All rights reserved.

It is also important to make sure that there are no cracks in the toilet as ceramics can break quite easily once there are cracks in them. This is why it is important that the screws on the toilet are not over-tightened.

The toilet tank can break off as well if you put too much pressure on it. Once again, this means that you have to use strong bolts.

If it is a hanging toilet, you can consider strengthening the construction so that it can hold more weight. These constructions are typically made out of metal so they are quite sturdy. You can add some more parts and bolts to make things even stronger. If you use drywall for this part, you have to be careful as this can break quite easily.

It can be a great idea to add a handlebar next to the toilet so that the weight is more evenly spread out. If people fall on a toilet, it can be quite painful and also cause damage to the toilet itself. 

 Toilets are designed to handle a certain amount of weight without the risk of breaking. However, this isn’t an unlimited amount of weight. A toilet will only be able to support the weight of users if it’s properly installed. 

It may also not be able to support the weight of users if it has been previously modified or is no longer in good condition.

Other things that can break a toilet

Ceramics can’t handle pointy objects. If you drop your keys in the toilet bowl, they can get dented quite easily.

It is also important that you don’t flush food scraps, wet wipes, or other items that don’t dissolve in water as this can clog up your toilet. A plumber will have to use water pressure or an auger to get this fixed. This can be costly repairs so you should avoid this.

Toilet drains have to be installed at a certain angle. If the installation is not correct, you can have a lot of clogs and other problems.

Don’t use chemical drain cleaners in a toilet as the drains might break.

Toilets should be replaced every 10-15 years as the components wear out over time. The connection between the pipes can break and this can cause nasty leaks.

A quarterly inspection of a toilet is important as problems won’t fix themselves. Once you see a leak or a crack, you will have to examine this further. Plumbers have cameras that they can use inside the toilet. This allows them to see potential problems and fix them as soon as possible.

In general, toilets are quite strong. Your plumber can help you to pick the right one for your situation. There are different sizes, materials, and items that can make a toilet stronger if this is needed. Cheap toilets are generally not that sturdy and can break if they are put under some pressure.