
Do I need to turn off my hot water heater if I shut the water main to my house? (IMPORTANT)

In most homes, the hot water heater is located directly adjacent to the main water supply. If you’re shutting off the water main to your home or property, you may wonder whether you need to turn off your hot water heater as well. You do not need to shut off your hot water heater specifically;

Do I need to turn off my hot water heater if I shut the water main to my house? (IMPORTANT) Read More »

How to connect or join PEX to copper pipe without soldering or welding (EASY Method)

PEX is a great material if you want to install indoor plumbing. Sometimes you want to keep the existing copper pipes though. Connecting both is quite easy as you can just solder a special attachment to the copper pipe. In some places, it can be hard to solder though. Even if you don’t want to

How to connect or join PEX to copper pipe without soldering or welding (EASY Method) Read More »

How to Install a Dishwasher in existing cabinets: Easy Steps

Buying new appliances is always exciting! They’re shiny and have that ‘new appliance’ smell. Yet, installing them can be a whole other story, particularly if they require several connections like a dishwasher. That said, some outlets will send an installation team at no extra charge. Sometimes, they’ll even haul away the old one as well.

How to Install a Dishwasher in existing cabinets: Easy Steps Read More »