
What counts as a utility bill and how to get them? Surprising answer

We pay utility bills every month, and we surely know what they are. The most common utility bills are water, sewer, electricity, household gas (LPG), garbage, cable TV/satellite TV, landline bills, internet, and mobile phone bills. All these services are either provided by the Government of any country or by private service providers. For example, […]

What counts as a utility bill and how to get them? Surprising answer Read More »

Do dishwashers save water (including Samsung) versus hand washing? Surprising answer

Many of our mothers made us believe unless we are running a full load, running a dishwasher is a waste of electricity, water, and dishwashing detergent and salts. Our mothers encouraged us to hand wash a few utensils after the family dinner every night. However, these myths have been busted with research and testing. Most

Do dishwashers save water (including Samsung) versus hand washing? Surprising answer Read More »