
How Does a Microwave Oven Work? (You Didn’t EXPECT This!)

Like many great inventions, the microwave oven was discovered accidentally in the 1950s by an electric engineer.  At first, people thought that food cooked in microwave ovens was unhealthy. It wasn’t until years later that people accepted this new invention in their households. [ez-toc] Since its spread in the US during the 1970s, the microwave

How Does a Microwave Oven Work? (You Didn’t EXPECT This!) Read More »

What Is an Air Source Heat Pump and does it work during the winter? Pros and Cons

If you’re researching systems to heat your house, you might have stumbled on air-source heat pumps. They cost less and can run for long periods. So, you might find yourself wondering, how do air-source heat pumps work? While gas heating has served us for long decades, it’s about time till we replace it entirely with

What Is an Air Source Heat Pump and does it work during the winter? Pros and Cons Read More »

Hot Water heater pressure relief valve leaking or dripping: is it Dangerous? (How to FIX it!)

Every home has a boiler that heats the water for showers and toilets. The boiler operates at a certain pressure, which is needed to get the water flowing. If a boiler operates at a higher pressure than is required to operate it, pressure will build up in the system. This is known as pressure build-up

Hot Water heater pressure relief valve leaking or dripping: is it Dangerous? (How to FIX it!) Read More »

What are power tools used for in construction? Examples and a list of names

Power tools normally are actuated by an additional power source like electricity and technology other than the manual mechanism of using wheels, pulleys, etc. The most common types of power tools use electric motors, steam engines, compressed air, and internal combustion engines. Some examples of power tools are used in household and industrial activities for

What are power tools used for in construction? Examples and a list of names Read More »