Slugs in the shower and bathroom: causes and how to avoid

Slugs are a common garden pest and can cause problems in a variety of ways. One of the most unusual places you might find slugs is in your shower. But how do they get there, and what can you do to prevent it from happening again? 

There are many different types of slugs. They prefer moist environments like gardens, forests, and even some indoor areas. Some types are only active during the spring whereas other types can be found all year!  Let’s examine why they appear in your bathroom and shower.

What are the causes of slug infestation in showers or bathrooms?

Slugs are attracted to dark, humid places, making a shower and bathroom an ideal breeding ground for them. 

 Slugs are also constantly on the lookout for food, so they’ll eat any type of food they can find – including soap scum, toothpaste, and hair. You can clean the shower to make sure that the slugs can’t find these. 

To keep slugs out of your shower, you will want to start by making sure you keep your bathroom clean and dry. You can use a bathroom fan, window or dehumidifier to do this.

You should be frequently cleaning the walls of your shower to remove any built-up soap scum or other debris. 

Slugs are small enough to squeeze through any crack or crevice in your home. 

They usually come in through small cracks in the walls, but if your home has a lot of shrubs or overgrown plants, they might also come in through the opening around your door or window.

They can also come inside through the toilet. Make sure to close the lid of the toilet to avoid this.

Pets such as dogs and cats can bring slugs inside. The same is true about bathroom plants. Inspect these plants to see if they contain slugs.

If you notice that your shower is becoming humid, you can use a fan to keep the air moving and the walls dry. 

 If you find slugs in your shower, you will want to take action right away because they can breed very quickly in warm, humid environments.

First, you’ll want to clean off the wall and remove any slime from the surface. You can do this with a sponge or scrub brush and some hot, soapy water. 

How to avoid slugs in your shower?

The best way to find out is to set up a trap and see what you catch. You can also use the slime to trace down where the slugs have come from.

You might want to use a disinfectant if you notice the slime is green or yellow. 

Slugs like warm, humid areas, so you will want to fix any gaps in your bathroom wall to keep them out. This can be done with spray foam, silicone, or other sealants. In most cases, this can be done for a few dollars and in a few minutes. Finding these gaps can be the biggest challenge of this task.

If you really don’t know how they get in your bathroom, you can use a smartphone app such as Alfred to get a notification when an object is moving in your bathroom. This allows you to monitor your bathroom and see where the slugs come from without having to look all the time.

Slugs can get inside through small holes and it can be difficult to find how they got in. The previous approach makes sure that you find the root of the problem. It can be annoying to try a lot of things and see that the slugs reappear. 

You might also want to put down a slug repellent to keep them from coming back. There are some natural products (such as garlic or Diatomaceous Earth that can be used for this) but you can also find products in most local gardening stores. There are also special products to repel slugs from your bathroom.

Slugs are often quite easy to remove. Once you have sealed the gap and cleaned the bathroom, they shouldn’t come back. If they come back again, you will have to check again and try to determine how they get in. 

Make sure that you have removed all of the slugs as they can hide in small holes. It is also possible to open up the drain cap of the shower to check if no slugs are in this part of the shower.

In most instances, you can lift this up to remove the cap. In other cases, you will have to use a screwdriver to remove some screws before you can remove the cap. While it is unlikely that the slugs entered your house this way, it is possible that some of them live in this part of your shower.

You can clean this part as well to remove things that slugs might eat. Use an old toothbrush and a cleaning product for this. It is recommended that you wear gloves while cleaning. It is also a great moment to remove hairs that got stuck inside the drain as these can lead to the pooling of water in your shower pan. 


Slugs are a common garden pest and can cause problems in a variety of ways. One of the most unusual places you might find slugs is in your shower. But how do they get there, and what can you do to prevent it from happening again? These questions have been answered in this article.

 If you find slugs in your shower, you will want to take action right away. This makes sure that you don’t get more slugs or other insects in your house or shower. 

While slugs are generally not dangerous, they can leave slime in your shower. This is quite dirty and it can be annoying to have to clean this up. Luckily it is often quite easy to get rid of slugs in your bathroom. It shouldn’t take more than 15 minutes of work if you know how they get inside your bathroom. Finding this hole can take quite some time though.

If the slugs keep reappearing, it is possible that there is a plumbing problem. Plumbers have cameras that allow them to investigate the drains and showers to find out what the problem is.