Is your ac leaking water? This can happen for various reasons. Some of them are minor problems that you can easily fix. While other problems are alarming and might need a professional to fix them.
In any case, it might be just too hot outside. So, you might wonder, can we use ac when water is leaking? Is there a quick fix for that leaking?
No worries! In today’s article, we’ll tell you everything you need to know. Stick around.
Why Is My Whirlpool AC Leaking and can we still use it?
AC water leaking can happen due to many problems. We need to locate the problem first to determine if you can still use the ac when water is leaking.
Clogged Drain Line
This is the most common reason for AC leaks. First, you need to understand how your AC works.
Your AC works by drawing air into it. The air travels through cold evaporator pipes that cool it and dehumidify it. The water resulting from the dehumidification process is then disposed of through a drain line.
Any clog or obstruction in the drain line will stop the water flow. Dirt, debris, mold, mildew, bugs, and all sorts of things can clog your drain line.
So, water will build up through the line until it finds its way back to your AC. The water will then find nowhere to go. So, it’ll start leaking from your AC.
How to Unclog a Drain Line?
The process is simple. All you need to do is follow these steps:
Turn off your AC.
Locate your drain line. It’s a PVC pipe that’s mostly found outside your house or along with your furnace.
Remove any visible debris or obstruction.
Pour a mixture of vinegar, baking soda, and water into one end.
Use a wet/dry vacuum like the Armor All AA255 to suck out any clogs from the other end.
Can We Still Use the Whirlpool AC when water is leaking?
The simple answer is yes, you can still use your AC with a clogged drain line. All you need to do is place a bucket under the spot where the water is dripping. Double-check the manual of your system to see if the manufacturer says the same. You can find this by Googling the name and model of your AC.
However, this isn’t a permanent solution. You still need to unclog your drain line as soon as possible.
While it might not seem like a big issue, it can damage your AC if water keeps building up inside your Whirlpool AC unit. So, it’s best if you don’t keep on using your ac when the drain line is clogged.
Additionally, if you clean the drain line regularly, you won’t have to face this problem.
Extreme Humidity and Hot Weather
In extremely humid and hot areas, it’s normal to see a few drops of water coming out of your AC. Your air conditioner dehumidifies the air. So, high humidity equals more water, maybe more than your AC could handle.
Can We Still Use the AC?
Yes, there’s no need to worry. It’s completely normal. You can place a bucket underneath the spot that’s leaking water to collect water drops. Double-check the manual of your system to see if the manufacturer says the same. You can find this by Googling the name and model of your AC.
On the other hand, it might be a good idea not to use the AC for extended periods. This might be too much work for your AC.
It might cause your AC to overheat or damage some parts. So, it’s best if you turn off your AC every hour or so to let it rest.
Frozen Evaporator Coil
If you notice a frost layer building up on your evaporator coil, that might be the source of your leakage.
A frozen evaporator coil is an alarming sign. You’ll need to turn off your AC immediately as it might damage other parts in your AC.
Unfortunately, in most cases, this issue can’t be fixed. The evaporator coil might need to be replaced. It’s best if you let a technician handle this problem.
Can We Still Use the AC?
It’s not a good idea to use the AC when you have a frozen evaporator coil. You should turn off your AC, and call a technician.
Changing your AC filters every one to two months or cleaning them is essential to avoid this problem. Clogged and dirty filters can restrict the airflow coming out of your AC. That can lead to freezing the evaporator coil.
Is Water Leaking From a Whirlpool Air Conditioner Dangerous?
Water leaking from your AC can be dangerous to your home and to the AC itself. For example:
Mold and Mildew
Accumulation of water in a certain spot in your house can cause many problems. Mold and mildew love moisture! If you appreciate your house being free of mold, it’s best if you dry any leakage immediately.
While that might decrease the chances of having mold, it won’t eliminate it. The best solution is to locate the problem causing the leak and fix it.
Slippery Floors
If you ignore water leakage, it might end up spreading where you didn’t expect it. That can lead to slippery floors and unwanted accidents. Ouch!
Additionally, placing a bucket under the spot where it’s leaking is a temporary solution. The bucket will fill up quickly, and you’ll end up with water leaking onto the floor once again.
Water is not pure
If you have pets or infants around the house, it can be extremely dangerous to have AC water leaking inside. AC water is unsafe.
Electronics Damage
Having electronics lying beneath your air conditioner is a hazard. Especially if your AC has a history of leaking. The water coming out of your AC can damage any electronic device.
Additionally, water is a good conductor of electricity. If the water leaking from your AC meets a source of electricity, anyone who comes in contact with the water will be at risk of electrical shock.
AC can break down
AC’s often have sensors that make sure that the system shuts down if things do go wrong. In some instances, these sensors might not work well and this can result in fires or explosions. When in doubt, it is best to turn the device down and call a technician.
Your Whirlpool AC can leak water due to various reasons. The most common reason is a clogged drain line.
This is quite easy to fix and you should be up and running in no time. In some instances, you will have to call out a technician though as there can be serious problems with an AC. These problems don’t fix themselves and you will have to get them looked at.
Whirlpool is a good brand and they are able to offer reliable systems. As with anything it needs cleaning and maintenance. A lot of people forget to do this during the spring and then run into problems during the summer. You have to be prepared for the peak season and prepare your system for this.
It’s best if you fix the solution immediately to avoid further complications. While it’s okay to keep using the AC when the leak is minor, it can still damage the AC components.
Additionally, AC water can be dangerous. Aside from being toxic, it can cause electrical hazards. Mold and mildew love moisture. So, constant leaking will increase the risk of having mold in your house.
Regular maintenance of your AC is the best way to avoid all these issues. Simple maintenance can maximize the benefits of your appliance and ensure safety around your house.