How to load a dishwasher: 3 Easy Tips (Do THIS Now!)

People often argue over it. Loading a dishwasher is one of the most common tasks that people face when cleaning their homes. Unfortunately, loading a dishwasher can be time-consuming and difficult. Luckily, there are a few easy tips to help you load your dishwasher more quickly and efficiently.


Loading your dishwasher with the right load

One of the most important things you can do to load your dishwasher more quickly is to use the right load. A load that is too heavy will cause the dishwasher to bog down and take longer to run. 

It is often to run the machine too often than not often enough. The best strategy depends on your objective: saving money or avoiding a smelly dishwasher. You can use the rinse function to clean the dishes if the washer is only half full but it is starting to smell. Rinsing the dishes happens quite fast and doesn’t take up that much water. Some water is sprayed over them so that it gets cleaned somewhat. Don’t expect miracles but it can remove foul odors so that you can wait until the machine is full to run a full program. 

You should also make sure that all of your dishes are placed in the right spot when loading the dishwasher. This will ensure that all of your dishes are clean and in the dishwasher at the same time.

Loading your dishwasher in the correct order

Where is the water coming from? In most dishwashers, the water is sprayed from the bottom to the top. Keep items facing down and don’t block the rotating sprayers.

One of the most important things to do when loading your dishwasher is to load the dishwasher in the correct order. This will ensure that all the dishes are delivered to the dishwasher in the correct order. Additionally, it will help you avoid leaving dishes at the bottom of the dishwasher and preventing them from being cleaned.

Machines have generally a bottom and a top rack.

-Top rack

Glasses go on the top rack. Place them face down. They shouldn’t be on the spikes. Place them next to it. There is a sprayer on the bottom of the second rack as well. This means that you should place your glasses upside down. 

Bowls go on the spikes. They should be sloped so that they don’t block the waterspray.

The top rack is less hot so plastic items go on top. 

A correctly loaded dishwasher. Image by AndreyPopov via

-Bottom rack

Plates and larger items go on the bottom rack.

Forks and spoons should be placed in the basket on the bottom tray. Some go face up, others down so that they don’t block the waterspray. The pointy part of the knives can go in the basket so that you don’t cut yourself.

The top of your plates should be centred towards the middle of the machine. The plates that go to the left of the machine should face to the right. The plates placed on the right side of your machine, should face to the left. 

Oversized items should go to the sides of your machine

 What not to place in your dishwasher

A dishwasher can be used for a lot of things, from glass, plastics to metal. Some items shouldn’t be placed in it. These include the following:

Wood, bronze, brass, delicate China, nonstick pans, large knives, and wine glasses. The hot water could break them or remove details. It can stain the other items in your dishwasher as well. For these reasons, they shouldn’t be in your machine. You will have to wash these by hand. This machine should only be used for dishes, don’t wash clothes or books in it as this will damage them as well.

If you have a party or a lot of dishes, it is a great idea to sort items beforehand so that it is easier to know where things have to go. This also makes sure that you don’t accidentally place forbidden items in the machine. A wooden spoon can be quite small and slip in between other items if you are not careful. 

Let the machine do its thing and don’t stop it in the middle of a washing cycle.  

How to unload your dishwasher

You can start with the biggest items and things that can break easily. This will make it easier to access the other items. Things that can be stacked should also be removed first. This makes it easy to remove the bulk of the items out of the machine. You can also prioritize items that are standing in close-by drawers. This leaves the unique items or things that take more work for last. 

This dishwasher it not loaded correctly. The plates should be facing the other way Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Once you notice that the machine is almost empty, it is more motivating to remove these as well. A lot of people dread unloading the dishwasher but if you get the feeling that things are moving forward, you will get pushed to take the remaining items out as well. Mixing dirty and clean dishes is a big no-no. 

Companies are working on machines that automatically unload your dishwasher but these might be a few decades away. With these tips, the task should be easier to do yourself. 

Finding a moment in the day that is calmer can make it more fun to unload the dishwasher. Listening to your favorite music while you have time for this chore? A lot of fun.

Getting the best results with a dishwasher

There are a few things you can do to increase the efficiency of your dishwasher. First, make sure you clean all of the dirty dishes before placing them in the dishwasher. This will help to prevent any time-consuming cleaning tasks from having to be repeated. Second, use a dishwasher detergent that is specifically designed for dishwashers. A lot of detergents work best when they are mixed with water and played around with, which can cause them to break down prematurely in an oven or dishwasher. 

For optimal results, you should use salt, a detergent, and a rinse aid. It is also important that you clean the machine. This includes the filter that can be found on the bottom of the machine. This can often be pulled out and you can wash it with soap and warm water. You can clean the bottom of the machine as well as a lot of dirt builds up there. Check the manual of your machine to learn how you have to maintain it. 

Some people have a lot of chalk in the water, this leaves a white layer on your dishes. If you have water with chalk, you can install a water filter in your house. A plumber can do this for you and this will make it easier to clean your shower and faucets. You can use special detergents in your washing machine as well.

Some machines need to be connected to hot water for optimal performance. There are also cleaning products that you can place in your machine. You then run the machine empty with just this product in it.