How to Fix Paint Ripped off Wall: 6 EASY Steps

Did you know that paint peels off a wall when the adhesion between the wall and wall paint is lost? Whether you’re dealing with ripped-off or cracking paint, it’s definitely an eyesore.

So, if you’ve been wondering how to fix paint ripped off walls, look no further! In this article, we’ll provide you with all of the necessary steps to restore your wall paint.


If you’d also like to know the root causes of peeling wall paint and how to prevent it in the future, keep reading!

How to Fix Paint Ripped off Walls: In Six Steps

Peeling paint is a common issue on drywalls, but luckily, you can fix it. While removing all of the old paint is a tiresome process, the following technique may make it less so.

You can also follow the same steps to fix chipped spots on your wall.

Here’s how to fix paint ripped off the wall.

Step 1: Prepare the Necessary Equipment

You can get most of these tools and materials at any paint store:

-Protective goggles and face mask

-Plastic covers and drop cloths

-Paint scraper or wire brush

-Painters tape

-Patching mixture

-Putty knife

-Fine-grit sandpaper

-Sponge brush or bristle



Step 2: Get the Room Ready

First, clear the room or move the furniture to the center and cover it with plastic. Remove nearby plug covers if needed.

Then, cover the outlet and switch with painter’s tape. Tape off the baseboards too if there are any.

Lastly, cover the floor with canvas drop cloths.

Don’t forget to wear a face mask and protective goggles throughout the process.

Step 3: Scrape and Sand the Flaking Paint

Take a putty knife, paint scraper, or wire brush and peel off the flaking paint. Scrape off the loose parts of the wall paint as much as possible.

Afterward, sand the area using 100 or 120-grit sandpaper to remove any imperfections and smooth the ridges.

Once you’re done, brush away the scraped area to remove the dust.

Step 4: Apply a Patching Mixture

Apply a thin layer of a patching compound with a putty knife to cover the area. You need to make sure that you fill up any cracks or uneven areas with the patching compound. Then, leave it overnight to dry out completely.

When it dries, use very fine-grit sandpaper, such as 220-grit, to smooth the ridges and blend it well with the wall.

Then, wipe the area with a damp piece of cloth and clean again with a dry cloth. Allow the area enough time to dry, or you can use a hairdryer if it’s a small patch.

Step 5: Apply a Primer

You can skip this step if you’ve got paint with built-in primer, but keep in mind that the primer application will help you avoid future paint peeling.

You may apply an oil-based or waterproof primer to guard against humidity. Allow it to dry thoroughly.

If you can still see color variations through the primer, apply a second coat and let it dry for 24 hours.

Step 6: Repaint the Patches

Apply the first paint coat using a sponge brush or a brush with soft bristles. You can use a roller for larger areas.

Start inside the treated area and move outward. Don’t be too generous with the paint, or it may spread unevenly. Afterward, wait for about 24 hours until the paint is dry.

Once it’s dry, apply the second coat of paint if needed for a seamless finish. It’s recommended to avoid any water contact with the wall for 24 hours.

Although repainted areas won’t rip off again, the old paint may continue to peel.

Notably, this method only works if the remaining wall paint is stable. Otherwise, you’ll have to repaint the entire room after determining what caused the paint to peel.

Before jumping the gun into scrapping and applying a fresh coat of paint, it’s crucial to determine the root cause of the wall damage to eliminate it beforehand.

Why Paint Is Peeling off Wall

Several factors can cause paint to start peeling off your wall, including:

-Excessive humidity and moisture

-High temperatures or direct sunlight

-Constant water leakage

-Painting on a dirty or wet surface

-Poor surface preparation

-Using an incompatible paint

-Applying too many paint coats

-Getting poor-quality paints

-Using the wrong primer

-Not applying a primer

-The wall paint is too old or expired

-Cleaning walls with bleach or acidic cleaning products

Keeping these causes in mind, you can better plan the painting process to avoid bubbling or loose paint.

Tips to Prevent Wall Paint from Peeling Again

When it comes to painting walls, it’s key to plan beforehand to prevent any future peeling. For long-lasting painting results, let’s go through the following tips:

-Prepare and clean the wall properly

-Avoid buying poor-quality paint brands as they’re more susceptible to peeling

-Check your plumbing system and roof to deal with any leaking

-Consult with professional painters to select the right type of paint that’d work for your walls

-You can use oil-based paint to paint over latex

-You can’t use latex-based paint or acrylic to cover oil-based paint

-Never apply any primer or paint coating unless the wall is thoroughly dry

-Use oil or latex-based primer and paint if your wall is prone to moisture and mold

If you’re dealing with a stubborn spot that keeps peeling no matter what, consider covering the wall with lining canvas. You can hang it like wallpaper and paint over it like plaster. By doing this, you’ll be able to eliminate peeling problems in the future.

The Bottom Line

Now that you know how to fix paint ripped off walls following straightforward steps and using simple tools, you can get any paint color you want.

All you need to do is take a quarter-sized sample of the wall to your local paint shop. Using the paint chip you got and color-matching machines, the paint shop can get you the exact color of the old paint.

So, make a list of all the tools and materials you’ll need before you go shopping. Review the steps and tips to get into action restoring your damaged wall while saving some cash.