Toilets get clogged for a variety of reasons. A clog can occur if something is stuck in the drain or if too many things are flushed at once. Often, a buildup of toilet paper or other bathroom waste causes the drain to become blocked, preventing water from draining the toilet bowl properly. There are other reasons as well though that we will discuss in this article.
If you find yourself dealing with a clogged toilet, there are some steps you can take to resolve the issue quickly and efficiently. However, if your toilet continues to clog frequently, it may be due to a larger problem that requires professional attention.
Let’s take a look at the most common reasons why toilets get clogged or blocked.
The toilet itself is blocked
Check the toilet bowl to make sure that there is not too much toilet paper. A toilet can only flush so much at the same time. You might have to scoop some paper out of the bowl to get it going again.
It is also possible that an object got stuck in the toilet itself. A common item is air refreshers. People drop it in the toilet and flush it. This can clog the toilet. Other items include phones, toys, brushes, and so on.
The connection between the toilet and drain (the toilet flange) can also be broken. This can happen when someone runs into the toilet or after an earthquake. It might be worn out as well. The toilet has to be removed to replace this.
Problem with the toilet drain
If your toilet is clogged but the water is draining normally, the problem is likely with the toilet drain.
The toilet drain has to be properly installed. This includes the diameter of the drains and the correct angle. If this is not done correctly, the toilet will clog as the water can’t push the waste away. This is why you should work with a licensed plumber when you install a new toilet.
A plumber will calculate what size of the drain is needed for your situation. In commercial buildings, this installation can get quite complex.
It is also possible that the connection between the different parts of the drain is not made properly. This can create sharp edges that latch on to objects. This can create clogs over time.
Problems with multiple toilets in your house
If multiple toilets in your house are completely backed up, the problem is more likely with the main sewer line. This is the drain that connects your home with the city system. Tree roots are a common culprit in this situation. It is possible that the plumber will have to dig the drain up and repair them. In most instances though, a water jet will be able to break down the roots and clear the main sewer drain.
If you live in a rural area, it is possible that your septic tank is full. You will need to get it pumped to remove the sludge from it. This will restart the system and you will be able to use the toilet again.
If you live in a city, it is also possible that the city sewer is blocked. Call your city to see if they can help you out. This doesn’t happen often. In most cases it is a rainstorm that overwhelms the city sewer and this can backup your toilet as well.
The toilet vent is blocked
If water is backing up in your toilet bowl, the toilet vent could be blocked. Drains have a vent that allows air to enter them. This air pushes the water and waste downwards. If this vent is blocked, we can get a vacuum and the water can get stuck in the drains. The toilet vent is typically found in the attic or on the roof.
It is possible that a bird has built a nest in it or that the spring is broken. You should notice problems with other sinks or toilets in your home as well if this happens. A plumber can help you out if you have problems with this.
Things you shouldn’t flush down the toilet
Often it is quite easy to avoid clogs if you only flush the right items. Toilets are designed to flush a certain amount of waste and toilet paper.
Make sure you don’t flush any of these items:
– Wet wipes: They are not biodegradable and can cause clogs if they’re flushed. This is a common problem as a lot of people don’t realize that you can’t flush them. Plumbers often have to get them out of drains.
– Cotton swabs and applicators: These items are not meant to go down the toilet. – Disposable diapers: Even though they’re not supposed to be flushed, some people mistakenly think that it’s OK to flush them.
– Cheap toilet paper: cheap toilet paper often doesn’t dissolve in the water and can create clogs. You can test your toilet paper by dipping it in water 3 times. If it doesn’t start to dissolve, you might consider using other toilet paper.
-Food scraps: food shouldn’t be flushed in a toilet. The fat and grease can clog things up. These don’t dissolve in water and can cause problems.
In essence, you should only flush human waste and toilet paper. Nothing else.
Toilets get clogged for a variety of reasons. A clog can occur if something is not flushed properly or if too many things are flushed at once. A clog can also happen if the drains are damaged or there’s an excess of gunk and other buildups in the drains. Toilets can become clogged for a number of reasons. Often, a buildup of toilet paper or other bathroom waste causes the drain to become blocked, preventing water from draining properly. If you find yourself dealing with a clogged toilet, there are some steps you can take to resolve the issue quickly and efficiently.